Browse school division and individual school websites that you may be interested in. Do their visions and goals match your teaching Telephone Number List philosophy? If you are more about hands-on education and less traditional teaching, a Maria Montessori School or one that revolves around Reggio Emilia philosophies of primary learning may be the Telephone Number List choice for you. Teaching at schools with such philosophies do often involve training beyond your teacher education program, so shop around on their websites for a Telephone Number List teacher training location nearest you.
The demise of GM as a major automobile company is an example of fear and greed running amok. As the curtain fell on the future of a Telephone Number List giant free enterprise company it signals the end of an era and the Telephone Number List beginning of another. In a previous article titled, Magic, Pixie Dust and the Mirror or Truth, I extolled the failure of GM management being strong enough Telephone Number List to resist unrealistic demands of the UAW. They failed to demonstrate the backbone to address excess with firmness and leadership. This repetitive failure Telephone Number List occurred over decades cumulating in the bankruptcy now faced.
The UAW attempts to escape responsibility for contributing to the death of GM with excessive demands for wages, benefits, and Telephone Number List featherbedding jobs banks by pointing the finger of blame on weak management at GM. While they intimate the leadership of GM had a responsibility to avoid agreeing to demands that were unrealistic they placed Telephone Number List threats of strikes at the top of negotiating tactics. The weak GM management feared losing market share in a prolonged strike and they caved. It was a matter of avoiding Telephone Number List a bill due today hoping they would be able to pay it tomorrow.