It's really frustrating to see an WOW TBC Gold entire blizzard team attempting to sabotage their latest take on classic reboot. Double speed, same loot distribution, and increased levels of health of the boss. It's the recipe for a casual guild disaster over loot drama. While I'm not a fan of buffs that boost the world, it's something I'm willing to do twice as often with the same old mechanics. Naxx is now taking two times as long to complete exactly the same equipment, and it won't feel anymore satisfying because there's nothing new to be found. AQ is the same raid as before, etc.
Even more so, the classic era is long gone. It wasn't my intention to see it retain huge numbers of players, however the cost of cloning characters the game. New players don't join because nobody wants to put away their time to level. It can cheap WOW Classic TBC Gold take several months to level up and then why bother to do it if the server has stopped functioning.