If you're interested in a career as a data scientist, you're in luck: the current talent shortage is significant, and you'll likely have no trouble finding a job. But that's bad news if you're an organization trying to find the right talent for the role: the current supply can't keep up with the growing demand, creating a shortage of skilled data scientists.According to the American buy email list Marketing Association, data science industry analysis predicts a shortfall of 100,000 to 190,000 marketing data scientists by the end of the decade. A recent flurry of corporate-level interest in hiring data scientists has created a climate in which tens of thousands of positions may go unfilled until the right candidate arises.
In the meantime, some marketers and data scientists are scrambling to learn their own data science skills in hopes of being a temporary bridge to buy email list a long-term solution or in hopes of changing their careers. themselves. The growing interest in data science as a career is underscored by a new data science major being offered at Tufts University this fall. The program will aim to give students broad experience with a range of data science techniques leveraging machine learning and data visualization, among other strategies. Alva Crouch, an associate professor who co-wrote the program proposal.
Says that while the program won't officially launch until the fall,Big data in marketing remains valuable but underutilized, which is why professionals and buy email list companies are eager to get involved in this growing field. With new technologies and tools available to uncover insights and drive smarter strategy, companies are taking a big risk by turning a blind eye to the value of a skilled data scientist. And with the talent shortage expected to last for several years, the cost of hiring a qualified professional will only increase the longer you wait.For more stories like this, subscribe to the Content Standard newsletter .Subscribe to the Content StandardFeatured Image Attribution: Onward